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Ethiopia is not just a destination for culture seekers but also for nature lovers! There is an abundance of national parks with impressive flora and fauna.


  • Chebera- Churchura National Park


The Chebera- Churchura National Park is found in the west side of the central Omo Gibe basin and it is considered as one of the well preserved parks in terms of wilderness. In the park, the water is prominent as there are many rivers, streams and small lakes, making the park a major attraction for wildlife. Many mammals including hippos, buffalos, leopards as well as African elephants have been recorded in various habitats of the park. Hundreds of birds visit the park and a few bird species like Black-headed Forest Oriole, Wattled Ibis,Thick-billed Raven ,Banded Barbet and White-winged cliff-Chat are endemic to Ethiopia.  The geology is heterogeneous and it is described by hilly terrain, flat lands, rolling plains and valleys.The Park & surrounding area also has different natural and cultural attractions such as different hot and cold springs, lakes and caves. The best season to visit both Chebera and Maze National Parks is during the dry season i.e. from October to May when the savannah grass is not restricting the visibility.  


  • Maze National Park


Mazie National Park was established in 2005  and is also found in the Southern Nations Nationalities and People’s Region, in the Gamo-Gofa zone. It is under the management of the Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority and is famous for the population of endangered Swanye’s hartebeest.It is named after the Maze River which is the largest river that crosses the park. The Park is covered by savannah grassland so it is advisable to visit it during the dry season, when the grass is short and the animals can be seen. Animals such as  bohor red bucks, buffalos, warthogs, bushbucks, waterbucsk, greater kudus, lesser kudus, bush pigs, anubus baboon, verevt monkey, lion, leopard, wild cats,  and many bird species can be seen in the park.  The landscape of the park is surrounded by interesting value: high rugged mountain ranges, escarpment and small hills. The landscape is breathtaking and important for sustainable eco-tourism development. The Park and the surrounding area have different natural, cultural and historical attractions such as Bilbo Hot Springs, Wenja Stone Cave, and “Kaouwa Wella” (Yeniguse Warka) which is an area with two oldest trees that are believed to five justice for any disagreement that arises among the local people.


  • Bale Mountains National Park

Bale Mountains National Park, is found in the Oromia Regional National State in southestern Ethiopia.  It is a magnificent high altitude (average elevation of over 4000 meters) plateau with numerous dramatic volcano plugs, tiny seasonal alpine lakes and cascading mountain streams.  It is considered as one of the Parks with the highest number of endemic species, especially mammals and birds. Visitors can explore the park on foot, by horse or by car.


  • Omo National Park

Omo National Park is one of the most beautiful and remote national parks in Ethiopia which is home to an amazing range of wildlife. It is located on the west bank of the Omo River and is in close proximity to the Mago National Park.  The lower reaches of the Omo river were declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site after the discovery of the earliest fossils of Homo sapiens.  The Omo Park is also a home to Mursi, Surmi and Nyangatom.


  • Mago National Park


The park is located in the South Omo Zone of the South Nations, close to Jinka and Omorate and is one of the newest national parks in Ethiopia. It offers a fantastic scenery and if the visitors are lucky they can see some of the wild animals found in the park such as lions, leopards, and African elephants. The Mago Park is famous mostly for the Mursi villages. Other tribes including Ari, Karo, Body, and Nyangatom also live in the remote areas of the park .


  • Nechisar National Park


The Nech Sar ("White grass") National Park is located east of Arba Minch and is a beautiful scenic spot with wild animals, especially zebras and gazelles, baboons, dik-diks, kudu, and endemic Swayne’s hart beets.  It is located between Lake Abaya and lake Chamo. Lake Abaya is the biggest of the Rift Valley lake and lake Chamo is known for its huge Nile crocodile and hippo population. Visitors can see them on a boat trip on the lake in an area called “Crocodile Market”. The Park is famous for the migrating birds that visit the park especially kingfishers, storks, pelicans, flamingos and eagles.

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